JOY Blog

Little Things, Big God
May 4, 2015By Kristy Rose

“I want to do small things for God,” said no one ever.

But that's what I do. My business is small things. Perhaps the smallest, most inconsequential things you could imagine. I sell lipstick. And in the grand scheme of life, lipstick is pretty small.

When I'm not peddling lipstick, I'm a stay-at-home mom. Talk about living in the land of small things. My life is all small things. Yesterday I folded and put away two loads of laundry, emptied and refilled the dishwasher, cooked supper and put in my Avon order. That's a lot of small things. (Did I mention I found matches for all the socks?)

It’s easy for me to look at my life of small things and feel badly.

Some days I wonder why I went to college if “all I was ever going to do” was sell lipstick and raise kids. As I help ladies choose the right shade or walk through the maze of Barbies and Legos, I wonder if this is all there is to my life and if there will ever be more.

It wasn't too long ago that I was pursuing a big, corporate job. Taking that job would have meant giving up my Avon business. And, though I refused to admit this, I would have had to give up home-schooling my kids. But the recognition, title, opportunity and, oh yes, salary was really attractive.

That's when a customer died. Cleo had also been a friend; she'd filled a void in my life. My grandmothers died during my teen years, and Cleo had become a kind of grandmother to me. She had pictures of my kids on her fridge and always sent me away with a baked goodie for them. She'd hug and kiss me, call me “babe” and say “I love you” when I dropped off her order. We'd sit and talk at her kitchen table about recipes and kids, husbands and gardens.

The lipstick that brought me into Cleo's life was a small thing. But my relationship with her was not.

And in the light of this revelation, I looked at my kids and our messy kitchen strewn with books and slimy science experiments and realized I couldn't give this up. So I withdrew my candidacy.

I'd almost missed the big things God gave me to do because I was too busy looking at all the small things.

I no longer yearn for a big, important career. But I've begged God to give me a big, important, full-time ministry so I could grow His kingdom and bring Him glory.

Once I sat at the table of a customer and held her hand. I prayed with her and for her. Her life was a mess, and God had put me at her table when she was vulnerable and needed a friend. The lipstick I brought to her that day was a little thing. The moment we shared with each other -- and with God -- was not.

That was just one customer on one “work day.” But what about the times my kids have snuggled next to me on the couch while I read the Bible to them? How about those times I've held their hands and prayed for them? And then there are those times clean-up halts because my kids and I are singing our lungs out to a worship tune on K-LOVE. (It's hard to pick up Legos when your hands are stretched toward heaven.)

These are big things hidden among little things.

It's true that lipstick and sock-matching are little things. But I know God can use little things and make them big things. I just need to be faithful and diligent in what He gives me.

What little things in your life can you use for God's glory? How can you be faithful to God in your career? In your home? In your relationships?

Kristy Rose is a Gen X homeschooling mom who sells Avon to support her writing habit. In 2006, God transplanted her to North Dakota. Moving to the state her great-grandparents homesteaded in 1903 and the ensuing adventures on the prairie have deepened her faith and given her a heart-felt understanding of God's amazing mercy and grace. You can get her take on pretty much everything at throughrosecoloredglasses.weebly.comRead more JOY Blog posts by Kristy.

Visitor Comments (4)
Posted By CBOUSFIELD on May 31, 2015
You speak and write this message beautifully!
Small things BIG.
Posted By SVENSKAFLIKA on May 5, 2015
Hi Kristy,

I came across this quote the other day, "God makes big things small and small things big." I love that God's economy is so very different than ours.

Philippians 2:6 "Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men."

I always look at what Jesus did with wonder. He who was "BIG" became small to bring he who was small back to the "Biggest BIG".

You yet again wrote a beautiful Blog filled with words and thoughts that needs to be spoken today. Modern society tells us all sorts of lies about our worth being gained through only those things it deems worthy and this false perspective even invades the way we see our place in the Kingdom. How lovely that you live and breathe the beauty of "being little". You are such a dear reminder that "little becomes much in the Master's hands."

Love you,
"Beautiful Mom"
Posted By TUTIBENE on May 5, 2015
Kristy, I've known you since you were a little girl, & the light of the Lord in you has grown into the beautiful Woman, Wife, Mom & Daughter you are today. Never change & continue to glow from the light & joy from the Lord that you bring to all the people in your life!
Little Things, Big God
Posted By QUINCY429 on May 4, 2015
Kristy, may God bless you for the beauty, thoughtfulness, and clarity of your writing.
We NEED moms who stay home with their kids, and we need homeschooling moms!
We DON'T need more executives who make big salary, & pay for someone else to mother their children. We don't need mothers who work so the family can have better vacations, more "toys", bigger houses.
Women's Liberation movement was a lie (and you know who the Liar is!)to break up the family and create a greater need for consumer goods. Look at so many of today's families, with both parents working. Look at the children of today.
Moms who stay home and "just" raise their children are both blessed and being a blessing.
I pray our nation regains sight of this truth. Thank you for showing it CAN be done!
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