JOY Blog

The Season to Spring Forward
May 23, 2014By Laura Moss

As the sun shines outside my window and the birds chirp their songs in the nearby trees, I am overwhelmed with the freshness of this new season.

Spring. I think it’s finally arrived. And I’m grateful.

Flashback to early March, when it was still cold and dark and kind of bleak and we were told it was time to set our clocks ahead an hour to comply with Daylight Savings Time. Time to spring forward. 

Springing forward in March makes sense, on the face of it. March 20 is, after all, the first day of Spring. So, springing forward as Spring arrives just seems right.


Because then you look out the window at piles of snow and see that the forecasted temperature isn’t supposed to break the freezing mark for days and days and days. You’ll never get to put away those heavy coats and bulky scarves and mittens. And spring starts to feel like a cruel joke. 

Sometimes, we find ourselves in seasons that look a lot like early March. Seasons that are cold, dark, and kind of bleak. Seasons that seem to stay stuck, no matter what the clock or calendar say. Seasons where joy is buried under snow piles and hope stays frozen.

And, if I’m honest, when I find myself smack dab in the middle of one of those seasons, the last thing I want to be told is that it’s time to spring forward. I want to stay wrapped up in my heavy coat, tied up in my bulky scarf, hands covered up in my mittens. My own personal puffy, warm, fuzzy pity party.

But when I choose that stance - pouty, grouchy, a touch rebellious - I risk missing what God has for me there in that season. I’m also at risk of missing His call to spring forward.

Think about it.

When the friendly local news anchor cheerily reminds us to set our clocks ahead, we take it on faith that, even though the proof out our windows may seem weak at best, Spring is indeed on its way. There are longer, brighter days ahead. There may be grumbling in our houses about losing that hour of sleep, but the prospect of green grass, leaves on the trees, and flowers blooming quickly soothes that dull roar, doesn’t it?

Similarly, when God lets us know it’s Spring Forward Time - whether through the voice of a friend, the lyrics of a song, the verses of a Psalm or other Scripture, the words on the page of a book - what’s our initial reaction? 

Maybe we grumble a bit. Maybe we get lost in what’s kept us safe and warm during the cold season. Maybe we scoff and figure we must have heard wrong. Maybe we get shaky knees and trembling voices at the thought of having to spring anywhere.

I think each of those reactions, and all I didn’t list, are probably very natural - and very human. But I also think that when God is ready for us to spring forward, He’ll be there to help us pack away all that outerwear. He’ll strengthen us when we get that lost-an-hour-of-sleep weary feeling. He’ll melt the piles of snow to restore the joy and free the hope from the ice.

We just have to have faith in His timing.

And, if you ask me, He has proven Himself much more trustworthy than that friendly news anchor.

How has God let you know He's desiring you to "spring forward" into a new season? What's YOUR reaction when God shows you it's time to "spring forward"?

Laura Moss is beyond grateful to be able to say she has survived being Mom to 4 spirited girls, a battle with agressive breast cancer, and some difficult seasons in her almost-25-year marriage. She calls herself a Creative, is drawn to beauty in all its forms, and loves loving on people. You can find more of her musings at Read more posts by Laura.


Visitor Comments (5)
Posted By KROSE on April 17, 2015
Though I abhor the "spring forward" time change, I love this. From now on, I'll try to look at the call to change our clocks as a call to change my heart. Xo
'Sprummer' :)
Posted By LMOSS on May 27, 2014
@Royann -
Love your take on our 'Sprummer' season! ;) And, boy, has it ever been a leap this year - 45 degrees one day, almost 90 the next! Am grateful for your words that just stepping outside can be a sweet reminder of God's timing and plan.
xo~ Laura
All is well
Posted By LMOSS on May 27, 2014
@Polly -
Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful word picture of God holding your hand to let you know all is well. What precious encouragement!
xo~ Laura
The Season to Spring Forward
Posted By POLLY on May 24, 2014
So true. So true. Spring HAS arrived in our part of north-central North Dakota--warm day and loads of warm wind. Springs always brings a sense of new and re-newed Hope to me. I have to work extra-hard and really put my full faith inn God to get me through the cold, gray dolrums of March. Happens every year like clockwork but He is always there lift and carry me through each and every day. I raise my hand to Him and He grabs it as if to say "I have you in my grip, child. All is well."
Seasonal musings
Posted By on May 24, 2014
Laura, I so agree with your comment, "I think it's finally arrived"... With the unexpected 85 degree day yesterday, followed by a good 'ole North Dakota thunderstorm, yeah, our season of "sprummer" (my take on our leap from spring to summer) has arrived! Thank you for expressing so well some of the same thoughts of joy I have had lately in God's continued faithfulness to us in times of doubt over our long winter season. We only need look and step outside to be reminded to have faith in His timing and His plan for our lives!
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