JOY Blog

What Target Taught Me About Time and Togetherness
August 19, 2014By Heather Brostrom

Seasons by Maisie Lo on Flickr under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0Back to school. Three little words that hold the power to send shivers down my spine. And not the good ones, like when your husband comes home and states, “Honey, I just got a big bonus today!” I’m talking shivers you experience when someone scares you half to death by jumping out from behind a good hiding place.

Parents are split on this topic of back to school. Some are thrilled and relieved. Others, like this sentimental old gal, are overcome with nostalgia and sadness. Even now, at the end of July, fall is making its presence known. The evenings have a crisp coolness to them and I’ve noticed a few leaves turning.

When I was a little girl, my Dad would go into a funk when my sister and I returned to school. We had a lake cabin on Sakakawea and spent our weekends and vacations there. Activities included sailing, 4-wheeling, hosting family reunions, having sleepovers in our play house, swimming, and enjoying our “cabin” friends.

My Dad adored family time and never attempted to stifle his irritation when we’d go back to school mid-August in order to start basketball practice. He was a HUGE proponent of resuming school after Labor Day. I’m sure if he were alive today, he’d be quite pleased with our area’s recent changes to the school calendar.

I take after him in many ways, ESPECIALLY as it pertains to my intense aversion to fall. I love its colors, cooler days, and the pumpkin patch. But sending my kids off for a new school year always fills my heart with sadness. It always seems as if we’ve been cheated somehow. That summer wasn’t nearly long enough. That we didn’t accomplish all our fun plans. That the weather was crummy all of June.  Shouldn’t that be enough to delay start dates till October?

When I see the patio furniture and grilling accessories start to clear out at Target, my radar goes up. It’s a rude awakening to know that soon that entire section will be filled to overflowing with notebooks, all things Crayola, Elmer’s glue, every character imaginable plastered on thermoses and backpacks, fresh #2’s and brightly colored sticky notes.

That scene reminds me that although my boys may spend a great deal of time bickering or tattling on each other; although my house is in shambles because we’re going all the time; although my devotional life suffers and feels anemic with little time to myself; although I tire of coming up with lunch ideas and coaxing them to drink their smoothies and eat their veggies; and although there’s always footprints on my wood floors from their sweaty, little sandaled feet … all of this too shall pass.

So, thank you Target and all of you big box stores for shaking me out of my slumbering stupor. For reminding me to relax, enjoy and make the most of these fleeting summer days.

Yes, fall is fast approaching and soon I’ll be longing for a rewind button. I thank God for the opportunity and blessing to stay home with my boys and the gift of time and togetherness it affords me. My prayer is that in all seasons, I redeem the time He’s given me, stewarding it wisely and cherishing every day with my two gifts.

What are your feelings as your kids prepare to start a new school year? 

(If your nest is empty, with no little ankle biters at your feet, you may have to re-invent yourself as I did four years ago. Volunteer, go back to work, join a Bible study, help a friend in need. The possibilities are many. Although you miss your little ones, you will soon find that your days are full and there’s much to be learned and avenues to be explored. You now have the time to invest in others and in yourself, deepen your relationship with the Lord, and find out what else -- other than child rearing -- makes your heart sing.)

Heather Brostrom has been a Christian since she was a teenager. She has suffered with depression for all of her adult life and wonders if some day she will have a unique opportunity to share her story of hope and perseverance. She heartily believes that Jesus has been good to her, showing her that life can still be blessed even through adversity and trials. Read more articles by Heather.

Visitor Comments (2)
i love fall
Posted By CBOUSFIELD on August 20, 2014
I love fall too and everything that goes along with it - the colors, the cooler weather and my daughter's birthday. This year we may be in for a big change when it comes to school - I'll keep you posted!
Ready Freddy
Posted By MAFISCHER on August 19, 2014
Although I know I will be a mess when it's time to drop off my baby at her kindergarten classroom, and watch my oldest begin her first year of high school, I also know that those tears will stop and the best way to put it is by saying "I'll get over it!" My girls have no set bedtime during the summer. Mom and dad have to get up for work, but they don't have any real reason to be jumping out of bed bright and early. So we enjoy our summer by filling it with late night movies. It's family fun spent in a good, cheap way. But three months of staying up late watching Wreck It Ralph, Frozen, and many others a half dozen times has now lost its glow for this momma. I want a routine back. I am anxiously awaiting early bedtimes that allows this mom more bible time before bed, or to journal without interruptions, or to watch anything that doesn't start with the Disney logo! This momma is ready for school, ready for fall, and ready for routine!
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